Summer Running with NDA CC

 We will post workout guidelines on our team website every 2 weeks (usually on a Sunday). We offer 2 plans- a “Green” plan for less experienced runners and a “Blue” plan for more experienced runners. 

These workouts are on the password protected part of our website to find them:

  1. Open the tab: TEAM INFORMATION (it’s the last tab)
  2. If you need the password please text Lauri Cullen @920 562-7850

Our summer running groups are led by some of our senior leaders and they will gladly call, text or call anyone with questions as well. They understand some of our runners may need rides etc.

 Green Plan objectives– Often young athletes can be a little intimidated by starting a distance running routine. Our highest goal is to help these young athletes get comfortable with the idea of committing to a training program that encourages 4-5 days a week of running. 

 I try to keep the “Green” program suggestions light enough that any athlete following it can begin getting in a higher level of fitness and gain confidence that they are more than capable of doing the recommended work. I have seen many, many incoming freshman and other high school kids who have not run much previously grow in fitness, self-confidence and happiness by following this program. I encourage parents to consider joining their young runner for an occasional run as well. We find it fosters such positive bonds and allows it to be less monotonous.

 Regardless of the program you follow- I have always found that if a young person is willing to start and embrace a couple days of discomfort- they’ll be shocked at how quickly they feel stronger. I acknowledge that kids start at different levels of fitness- they key is to start and to commit to some level of consistency.

 Blue plan objectives- Each summer we start with a different level of experienced runners. This year, I’m confident that many of our “Blue” plan followers have experience and fitness to handle some higher levels of mileage and our blue plan will reflect it.

 Options for summer running groups etc- We want all runners to feel welcome to join in the summer group running if it works in your schedule. Senior Team members Joe Hunt, Mia Miller and Kinsey Gallagher are always willing to answer any team members questions about times for running and location etc. Let me know if you are looking to talk with any of them. As coach, I have limitations on what I can do based on WIAA summer rules. 

 The importance of summer running…

We strongly promote a summer running effort to help our young athletes prepare for our racing season that begins in late August. I fully understand every young person starts at a different place but do summer work helps develop fitness and increases injury prevention once the season starts. 

 Our leaders will work to find groups for team members to run with so no one is running alone if at all possible. In addition, our summer running program has proven to develop much deeper friendships and familiarity among our team members which is key for our newer student athletes.

Coach Gard

Updated June 23, 2024