NDA CC Parent Organization

Updated: Aug 11, 2024

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Parent Volunteer Group

Welcome to NDA CC 2024 and the parent volunteer group.  We are a group of parents that support our athletes during the season at competitions and team events and celebrate our athletes and their families at a variety of social events.

To do all these things, a small group of parent volunteers recruits other parents to help during the season.  Below is a list of key positions that will need to be filled for the season.  These are chair or co-chair positions and responsibilities include helping find people to help in each respective area.

Chair and/or co-Chair positions open include:

Social Co-Chair: This position would be training to take over as chair (or co-chair) of Social Events for 2025.  Responsibilities include overseeing the CC season’s social events-the pool party at the start of the season, team pasta dinners and the mass/brunch.

Camp Gard Chair and/or Co-Chair: This position coordinates Camp Gard (our meet home base) set-up and tear down and some volunteers for each meet.  

Team/Family Mass Brunch Co-Chair: This position will help organize, set-up and clean-up our team brunch following a mass including our team and their families early in the season.

Chocolate Milk/Camp Ice: This chair buys and delivers chocolate milk and ice for the meet; makes baggies of ice at the meet in case needed.  Can recruit other parents to help for the season.

We also are looking for a family to host our opening season party.  The family will have the assistance of several parent volunteers to organize and coordinate the party so that your job is only as host.

If you have any questions about these positions or any way you can help during the season as a parent volunteer, please contact Michelle Nowak @ 920-634-9065 or culinaryrd1@gmail.com.

NDA CC 2024 Parent Organization Directory: Category Leaders

Opportunities are available to help the category leaders and to become their shadow, so if something looks interesting reach out to Michelle Nowak 920-634-9065!

Parent Volunteer Coordinator: Michelle Nowak
Parent Organization Treasurer:  Laura Letter
Uniform Manager: 
Booster Club Representative:  Michelle Nowak

Social Events Chair/Co-Chairs
Opening Season Party Hosts
Pasta Dinner Hosts:  
Team/Family Mass Brunch Chair:
Banquet Chair: Anne Johnson and Heidi Mirao
      Banquet Shadows:
Videographer for Banquet Chair

Attendance Chair:  Anne Johnson
Backpack Transportation Chair:
Bibs and Chips: Cate Zeuske
Camp Gard” Set-Up Co-Chairs :
     “Camp Gard” Shadow:
     “Camp Gard” Helpers:
Chute Chair:
Chocolate Milk/Camp Ice Chair:
Fruit Chair: 
Sub Sandwich Chair:
     Sub Sandwich Shadow:
Supplies Manager Chair:
Travel Coordinators: Kerri and Scott Hunt
Travel Food Coordinator:
     Travel Food Shadow:
Warm Up Collection: TBD

Registration Chair: Amy Neveau
Foreign Exchange Student Liaison: OPEN
Photography Chair: OPEN
Historian: Eric Johanski
Team Newsletter Editor: Sarah Stumpf
Remind: Lauri Cullen
Website: Lauri Cullen, Sarah Stumpf

NDA CC Parent Group Volunteer Roles 


Social Events:

Opening Season Party Assistants: Assists the host family with party plans; helps the host with set-up and clean-up duties.

Pasta Dinner Hosts: Hosts & provides the pasta/main course for the athletes’ pasta dinner (80 to 120 athletes) following their practice. Pasta dinners can be held at the host family’s home or at the NDA Commons, with advanced reservations made at the school. (Parents of senior athletes have first preference).

Pasta Dinner Assistants: Assists the host family with party plans, provides needed food, helps with set-up and clean-up duties.

Team/Family Mass & Brunch: Parents work together to organize, set-up and clean-up for our Team/Family Potluck Brunch at St. John the Baptist school gym, which follows Mass at St. John the Baptist

Year End Banquet Assistants:  Help coordinators with various duties as needed to prepare for year end banquet.

Meet Organization:

Bus Attendance:  Be at school prior to runner release for meets.  Gather any coolers of supplies from the Atrium for the meet (milk, etc.) Help make sure runners are quiets and respectful when leaving school. Confirm bus attendance with the office at school.

Chocolate Milk/Camp Ice:  Buys and delivers chocolate milk and ice for the meet; adds ice to the drink coolers at the meets.  Makes baggies of ice for first aid use.  (Expenses are reimbursed.)

Sub Sandwiches:  Picks up pre-ordered sub sandwiches from Cousins on Webster Ave & delivers them to the meets or to NDA on meet days.

Banana Bin: Responsible for purchasing bananas & oranges and maintaining the banana bin for meets.

Booster Club Representative: Represents the team at the school-wide Booster Club as the representative for Cross Country.

Chute Volunteers: The chair will schedule the Chute volunteers for meets. (Need not be present at each meet) Chute volunteers assist winded athletes after their race, providing possible chute or post chute care (distributing a band-aid, providing water, etc). Parents with calm and comforting dispositions are needed.

Cold Towel Volunteers: Prepare and distribute cold towels to athletes at the end of the race chutes.

Camp Gard: Assists with setup and take down of camp, maintains supplies and area for runners needs.

Communication and Team Organization

Website: Maintains the NDA CC Team Website.

Works in tandem with the newsletter owner to provide information to/from the newsletter and website. Works in tandem with coaches and parent leaders to keep website current.

Uniform Distribution: Organizes group that sorts and distributes uniforms at beginning of season. Organizes group that collects, sorts and stores uniforms at end of season. Keeps the spreadsheet of uniform assignments current, and works with the athletic department to make sure all uniforms are returned each season.

Photography Chair: Confirms a platform to collect, store and share photos taken by families of the team. Provides directions to the team on how to use the platform. Keeps the storage platform updated year to year.

Videographer for Banquet Chair: Responsible for creating our year-end team video for the CC banquet.

Foreign Exchange Student Liaison: Works in conjunction with coaching staff and the register assist families of exchange students get their runner registered to run, answer questions of host families, provide information about our team to the students and their host families. Exchange students generally arrive after the season has started.

Team Historian: Updates the Team History section of our team website. Provides information to the website owner to document on the website. (history: newspaper articles, team records, state qualifiers and results, etc.)